Who We Are

Program Team

Jenny Matthes

Chief Operating Officer

April Nesemeier

Program Director

Ginny Coleman

Associate Program Director

Erin Morris

Assistant Director, Production

Kristen Cresante

Operations Manager, Program

Gillian Miller

Project Manager
Meet Unseen's Full Staff Team on our Main Website

Unseen Creative Network

Unseen hires talented freelancers from around the world! We contract graphic designers, writers, web developers, photographers, videographers, editors, and more to create high quality products—at no cost to you.

What We Believe

1. Fundraising is about relationships.
It isn’t about convincing people to give you something. It’s about inviting them to do good work alongside you. Funders are a valued part of your team—just like your staff. Celebrate the victories and wins, and build your organization together.
2. Hope is more powerful than fear.
People are motivated short-term by fear and guilt, but are motivated long-term by hope. We want to give your donors a hopeful vision for the future—and a way they can join you in creating it! Hope moves people toward sustained action.
3. Dignity matters.
We care deeply about protecting the dignity of those you serve. We believe the best stories highlight a survivor’s strength, agency, and hope for the future. We talk with you to discover how we can best share the stories and images of the people you serve (and discuss when an alternative picture or image is needed instead).
4. Your time is really, really valuable.
We’re always working to make our processes as efficient and streamlined as possible so you can focus on expanding your work, while still investing in the communication needed to make our partnership great!
5. We learn from you!
You are the expert on your location’s culture, your specific angle of work, your donors, and your organization’s story. You may already have extensive marketing and fundraising experience—or may just be entering this arena. We collaborate and build on the experience you already have. We integrate your insights and share them with other partners so that the entire anti-trafficking community grows.
Copyright © 2022 Unseen